Thursday, May 5, 2011

New Business Card Design

It's time for a business card upgrade...let me know what you think...
this will be the front (wider) and all the important info will be on the back.

Does this represent my work properly?  Does it inspire you to buy..Lol! 
Please answer yes to all...or be honest and critique!


Alice said...

I love it!!! I think it really shows what you are all about.

The only thing I noticed is all three photos on the right side have pale backgrounds and copper components, and all the rest are a little darker. Maybe a little shuffling around would help separate them (unless you wanted them together..) Silly, I know, but that's me--much to the frustration of my husband.

Diana P. said...

Looks good to me!

theAjewellery (lesley) said...

Hi Melinda.
I think the pictures are great examples of your work and a great idea for a BC but how big are they on the actual card? Would fewer, larger one's look better? I agree with Alice about mixing up the backgrounds on the montage to get a better balance. What would it look like with you name etc. horizontal across the top/bottom - would the pictures be clearer?

Just some thoughts...I have a marketing background and can't resist sticking my 2 penneth' in, but please feel free to ignore (My cards are bog standard MOO cards so who am I to comment!).

Waseem said...

I think it doesn't represent your work properly...Do you have Metal business cards?

Plastic cards said...

Business cards are very effective and cheap when they are used for marketing,now a days they are available in different materials....

Safdar Ali said...

This is great. And will help me so much while designing my plastic business cards. Thanks for sharing.

mannaf said...

This is rally lovely business cards ideas. I really love to have this business card to my own. metal business cards

Anonymous said...

Business card is truly essential thing for business owners because it's a first point of contact to any of business owner. We should also remember one more thing that amazing design of business card could be good thing.
I like the last business card because we can tear it into
half and it fits a divorce lawyer very well. I’ve learned so many ideas from
these pictures and I have an idea now what to do with my own business card. you can also visit for image editing site here


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